Heartburn; Causes, Symptoms,Diagnosis, Treatment and Remedy

Peter Luya
3 min readJan 24, 2021

Did you know that almost every adult has experienced heartburn once in their lifetime?

Well, some don’t even notice it! You will hear them say: “I am just feeling weird” and they won’t even describe the feeling! Walk with me through the article to understand more about heartburn.

What is heartburn?

It is an unpleasant burning pain in your chest just behind your breastbone due to stomach acid traveling up towards the throat.

If you keep experiencing it more than two times a week, it may be a symptom of different conditions such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Acid reflux, and even pregnancy. Despite the name heartburn, it doesn’t have any relationship with the human heart.

What are the symptoms of heartburn?

· Generally, heartburn feels like you are burning on your chest right behind your breastbone

· Sour taste in your mouth as a result of stomach acid

· Coughing

Heartburn worsens when one is lying down or bends because this position allows acids to flow easily to the esophagus.

When should you worry?

Heartburn should be considered normal when it occurs once in a while. When it keeps recurring then there is a need to worry. Here are situations that should trigger you to seek medication;

· If heartburn occurs more than twice a week

· When swallowing becomes difficult

· Feeling nausea and vomiting most of the time.

· No changes despite using over-the-counter drugs

· Losing weight due to poor appetite or difficulty in eating

What causes heartburn?

Heartburn is felt when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus.

What triggers heartburn

· Here is a list of some foods and drinks that trigger heartburn; fatty or fried food, spicy foods, onions, carbonated beverages, coffee, alcohol among others.

· Being overweight also increases the risk of heartburn

· Some medicines, such as anti-inflammatory painkillers like ibuprofen

· a condition is known as hiatus hernia

Complication risks

Frequent experience of heartburn that interferes with one’s routine is known as GERD. Its treatment requires a prescription from a doctor and sometimes surgery and procedures are undertaken. GERD can cause great damage to the esophagus.


To establish whether your heartburn is a symptom of GERD, a doctor may recommend the following:

a. Esophageal mobility testing will help to measure pressure and movement in the esophagus.

b. An X-Ray will help in viewing the shape and state of the stomach and esophagus.

c. Endoscopy to check for malformation in your esophagus, here a tissue will be taken for biopsy.


Try over-the-counter medicine such as Antacids, proton pump inhibitors as lansoprazole, and omeprazole. These drugs are known to reduce stomach acids.

The above-mentioned drugs don’t cure the esophagus if you are suffering from GERD.

Lifestyle and home remedies to ease heartburn

Apart from over-the-counter drugs, changes of lifestyle and homemade remedies are some ways you can use to ease heartburn.


A lifestyle measure that may be helpful includes;

· Don’t take food that triggers heartburn.

· Have your meals on time.

· Wear clothes that are not tight and fitting

· Have and maintain a healthy weight

· Avoid smoking and taking alcohol since it reduces the lower esophageal sphincter’s ability

Homemade remedies

To neutralize stomach acids, the following remedies may work:

· Chewing gum; when you chew, saliva comes out that naturally neutralizes acids.

· Add ginger to your diet; it is alkaline, anti-inflammatory and eating it reduces irritation in the digestive tract.


Heartburn is a manageable condition. Just avoid the risk factors and you will not experience heartburn. Suppose you do fell it you have the remedy to it already, don’t you?

